"Once in a while you see a perfect combination. This is one of them.
Crypto Dad: The Fight for the Future of Money is a very important book written by an individual whose accomplishments and insights match the importance of the subject. Written from the perspective of the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chris Giancarlo tells more than the story of the birth of bitcoin futures. It provides insights into the intersection of regulation and financial innovation as well as educating the reader on the blockchain and cryptocurrencies. When digital currencies are ubiquitous Chris’s vision will be applauded. I give this book the highest possible recommendation.”
Richard L. Sandor
Chairman & CEO
American Financial Exchange
Aaron Director Lecturer in Law & Economics
University of Chicago Law School
A fiscal battle of global proportions.
The next digital wave—an “Internet of Value—is about to completely transform financial services. CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money takes you on a deep dive into the complex and fascinating world of financial market regulation, and delivers an insightful and groundbreaking account of the rise of Bitcoin, crypto, and central bank digital currency.
Available now at: Amazon.com
Wiley; 1st edition (October 26, 2021)
Copyright © 2022 by J. Christopher Giancarlo. All rights reserved. | Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. | Published simultaneously in Canada. | "Publicity and Rights: Hays Media New York
CryptoDad: the Fight for the Future of Money
Just as the Internet changed everything we know about social relationships, retail shopping, information gathering and work and play, a new wave – an Internet of Value - is about to completely transform financial services, including the most valuable thing of all: money. In CryptoDad: the Fight for the Future of Money, the accomplished former Chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission delivers an insightful and groundbreaking account of the rise of Bitcoin, crypto and central bank digital currency.
Dubbed “CryptoDad” for his celebrated call on Congress to respect a new generation’s interest in cryptocurrency, J. Christopher Giancarlo provides a dramatic, eye-witness view of his efforts during the Obama and Trump Administrations to modernize oversight of America’s antiquated financial markets. Seeing the greatest danger to America’s future in Washington’s focus on the past, he urges courageous new leadership to harness the digital reordering of the global economy and the coming future of money.
CryptoDad tells the story of Giancarlo’s oversight of the world’s first regulated market for Bitcoin derivatives, an action that ventured domestic political fallout and engendered some global derision. Yet, by braving the political risk of greenlighting the debut of Bitcoin futures, the CFTC provided regulatory certainty essential for today’s burgeoning crypto industry.
CryptoDad also explains in simple and understandable language the workings of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and a future digital Dollar. Mixed with these explanations are exciting “you are there” stories of his five-year journey through the centers of financial power in Washington and London, Brussels and Hong Kong – and, yes, the Oval Office.
Asserting that money is too important to be left to central bankers, CryptoDad is a clarion call for democratic society to ensure that the social values that are enshrined in the Dollar today—values like individual liberty, economic freedom, personal privacy and the rule of law—are encoded in the digital future of money.
CryptoDad brims with faith and confidence in free market innovation and economic renewal, a perfect book for anyone interested in financial market regulation that balances entrepreneurship, sound policy, regulatory oversight, and courage to allow new digital technologies to flourish and change the world around us.